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Inno-Cal-Mag with Vitamin D3 - Innovite Health

Inno-Cal-Mag with Vitamin D3 - Innovite Health Inno-Cal-Mag helps support the development and maintenance of bones. This formula provides a synergistic blend of calcium, magnesium, boron and Vitamin D3 in a non-dairy, liquid filled softgel formula.


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Dr. Stacy Irvine

BSc. Kin, M.Sc., D.C., CSCS

Toronto, ON, Canada


Dr Stacy Irvine is a founder and co-owner of Totum Life Science, a boutique fitness and health care center in Toronto.  Through her work as a chiropractor and strength and conditioning specialist, Dr. Irvine’s clientele ranges from beginners, just starting out on an exercise program, to elite and professional athletes.

Dr Irvine has worked as a sessional lecturer and research assistant at the University of Toronto and the University of Saskatchewan.  During this time she also published and presented research articles in: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, and Calcified Tissue International.

She has made several appearances as a fitness expert on Canada AM, Global Television Network, City TV, WTN and Balance Television for Living Well, and is frequently quoted as fitness expert in Flare Magazine, Chatelaine, Glow Magazine, The Globe and Mail and The Toronto Star.  This past year Dr. Irvine was the personal trainer for Chatelaine magazine.

Before moving to Toronto, Dr. Irvine completed her Bachelor’s of Kinesiology and Masters of Science degree, specializing in Exercise Physiology.  Following this program she moved to Winnipeg to train and instruct full time with Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet.  Upon moving to Toronto, Dr. Irvine completed Stott pilates certification, became a certified ART provider and completed her Dr. of Chiropractic degree at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College.  Since completion of her Chiropractic degree in 2004, Dr. Irvine has continued to pursue her clinical education and develop new skills as a chiropractor.  Additional training includes Mulligan technique, Golf specific training and treatment, pregnancy fitness and therapy along with various sports related certifications for chiropractic treatment.

Dr Irvine’s most recent education has come as a result of three lovely children (all under the age of five), she is enjoying the challenges of balancing parenting with a busy work schedule, while still trying to stay fit and healthy!!

Stacy Irvine, regarding Zwell and our philosophy - 

“The Zwell philosophy of health is similar to my personal philosophy of optimal care, because it incorporates several essential elements of healthcare in a complimentary nature.   We created Totum Life Science out of our vision for health care that addresses the whole person.  At Totum we provide a wide range of integrated services including:  physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage therapy, nutrition counselling, personal training, and naturopathic medicine.   The practitioners are located in the same facility and are able to work as a team to ensure the best protocol for all of our patients. I believe that a team approach is a much more effective and efficient way to improve and maintain good health.  It takes time and attention to the whole person to create a true picture of optimal performance and health. “

-      Stacy Irvine,  June 2010





   Visit Totum at www.totum.ca


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Healthy Tidbits

In this century, the world will have more people living into their 80s and 90s than ever before, with the number of people 80+ set to quadruple between 2000 and 2050.


Increased life expectancy is largely due to improvements in public health, and healthy ageing is linked directly to health in earlier stages of life.


Although it is natural for biological processes to decline with age, the rate at which our body’s decline is impacted by many controllable lifestyle factors such as how we eat, how we move, and how many toxic substances we are exposed to.



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