

Tim Irvine

B.Sc.Kin, M.Sc., NSCA-CPT, Reebok Cycle

Toronto, ON, Canada

Tim Irvine obtained his Bachelor of Physical Education and Master of Science from the University of Saskatchewan, where he also learned the value of a functional team environment. As a player on the Varsity football team, he experienced growth of this organization from a perennial losing team to two appearances in the Canadian University Championship Game for the Vanier Cup, winning the second time. After University, he went on to become a research director in biomechanics and growth/development. Tim also has gained skills from his time as a sessional lecturer in biomechanics and a lab coordinator in biomechanics and motor learning. In his early entrepreneurial days, Tim also created an innovative and successful golf swing analysis business using video digitization.


Corporate Athletes, Endurance Training, Injury Rehabilitation

Mr. Irvine’s athletic background has also provided him with many valuable tools such as knowledge of Olympic style weight lifting, track and field training and technique, body composition testing, pediatric growth and development, factors affecting bone mineral density and golf mechanics to name a few.  He is also a 5 time marathoner including the Boston Marathon in 2000.


Since 1997 Mr. Irvine has been involved in the growth and development of Totum Life Science.  As Totum's president the company has grown to 3 downtown locations, over 100 staff and a reputation for Professionalism and Success in the services provided.  Mr. Irvine is often found as a consultant for fitness-related media, and has been seen in national and local media vehicles such as Chatelaine, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, Financial Post, Fitness Business Canada and CityTV while his company and philosophies have been seen in many others including Flare, Fashion, Azure, Toronto1, Toronto Star and eTALK Daily.

Tim's thoughts on Zwellness -

"Everyday I'm surrounded by active, health conscious people. These individuals are not obsessive, they are aware. They are aware that sleep can limit or enhance their daily enjoyment; that what they eat can impact their energy; that being active is a means to keeping their body more youthful; that living in the moment enhances how they experience the world around them. Most importantly, these people are happy.  

The Zwell Four Pillars of Health embody these characteristics. They are templates for living a more fulfilling life."

-     Tim Irvine, June 2010